16th National Congress of Serbian Psychiatric Association
with international participation
Hotel Mona Plaza
19 – 22 May 2022 Belgrade
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to take a part on our 16th National Congress of the Serbian Psychiatric Association, which will be held in the period of 19 – 22 May 2022 in Belgrade. Our wish is for the Congress to be held in “live” format, as done so far. With sincere hope that it will be so, we will also provide the participants with the “hybrid” form of the congress participation. In addition to local speakers, numerous international and experts from our region will take part in the Congress.
We also use this opportunity to invite you to submit abstracts for the “Poster Session” of the Congress. The abstracts will be printed in a special issue of the journal Engrami. The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 31, 2022 (please find more information below). You can submit the abstracts by sending them to the e-mail address kongresUPS2022@gmail.com
We are confident that our 16th National Congress will be a good opportunity for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, residents and all others involved in mental health care to exchange ideas and skills from our profession, always full of challenges and questions to be answered.
Prof. dr Goran Mihajlović
President of the SPA
Prof. dr Olivera Vuković
Secretary of the SPA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Čedo Miljević
Vice President of the SPA
General Information
The text should be written in Word, latin alphabet, double-spaced, entirely with Times New Roman font and 12-point letter size (12 pt). Adjust all margins to 25 mm, page size to A4 format, and type the text with left alignment and dragging each paragraph by 10 mm, without dividing the word (hyphenation). Do not use tabs and consecutive blank characters (space) to align text, but alignment control tools on the ruler and Toolbars. After each punctuation sign, put only one blank character. If the text uses special characters (symbols), use the Symbol font.
Title page. On the separate, first page of the manuscript, the following should be stated:
- title of the paper without abbreviations;
- full names and surnames of the authors (without titles), indexed by numbers;
- the official name of the institutions where the authors work and the place, in the order corresponding to the indexed numbers of the authors.
Abstract. It should be short summary of the paper of up to 300 words.
For original works, the short summary should have the following structure: Introduction, Aim, Method of work, Results and Conclusion. Each of the above segments should be written as a separate paragraph that begins with a bold word Introduction, Aim, Method of work, Results, Conclusion. List the most important results (numerical values) of statistical analysis and level of significance. The conclusion should not be general, but must be directly related to the results.
The case reports consist of: Introduction (with the aim presented in the last sentence), Presentation of patients, Discussion and Conclusion. All subheadings are capitalized and bolded.
Key words. Below the abstract, state keywords (three to six). In the keyword selection, use the Medical Subject Headings – MeSH (http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov).
More details related to the preparation of the paper can be found at https://www.engrami.rs/uputstvoautorima/
Submitting manuscripts. Manuscript should be submitted electronically to the address kongresUPS2022@gmail.com
Deadline for submission: 31.03.2022.