Dear colleagues,
The Psychiatric Association of Bosnia-Herzegovina (PABH) was founded in October 2007 and officially began with its activities on March 17th 2008. PABH is a voluntary professional organization bringing together specialists in psychiatry, neuropsychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry as well as psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry trainees from whole Bosnia and Herzegovina, with main aim to continuously improves psychiatric practice, networking with largest international associations (World Psychiatric Association-WPA, European Psychiatric Association- EPA, and others). Each member of PABH is automatically an individual member of the WPA, the largest and most important psychiatric association in the World. Our Association is Member Society in the European Psychiatric Association National Associations/Societies (EPA NAPs) Council since 2010 and our Members are automatically Affiliate EPA Members.
In the course of its previous work, our Association succeeded in initiating and developing the activities in several directions: continuous promotion of the Association in the country (this led to visibility and increases significantly number of members in the last years), organizing the Annual Symposium of PABH- the Psychiatric Days of Bosnia and Herzegovina and four international Congresses, and taking part as the co-organizer of all important psychiatric events in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, thanks to collaboration with EPA in Bosnia and Herzegovina we organized continuously EPA Itinerant CME Courses eight years in the row, and traditionally supported by the WPA (as WPA Co-sponsored) and EPA (trough EPA patronage) for our events.
Particular attention was paid to regular, full and transparent sharing of information to all members of PABH through a democratic e-mail network. These informing contains educational material and also an updated list of all national and international professional gatherings that are relevant to the field of psychiatry in current year. In the course of collaboration of our Association with WPA (WPA Media Channels, WPA Committee for Education) we got many compliments both from the WPA Presidents and WPA Secretariat as well as of our Zonal Representative (WPA Zone 9). Also, we continuously have active role in Council of the EPA NPAs from the beginning of our Membership (in 2012).
Even 2020 was difficult for all of the functioning and reduces most of activities in the world, societies and medicine concerning of COVID-19 pandemic, my intentions will be to improve our activities and in next two-year period. With great hope I will support our efforts to continue with tradition of our Annual Symposium and starting with preparations of 5th Congress of Psychiatry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, I will continue with practice of full support to our young colleagues (young psychiatrists and trainees) to take active roles in international activities such as schools, courses, seminars and similar.
This website presents the way to further improve our activities in sharing the information and knowledge between the members of our Association.
I want to thank to all current and future members of the Association for their continuing membership and recognition of the values that build the Psychiatric Association of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Professor Dragan Babić, MD, PhD
Psychiatric Association of Bosnia-Herzegovina