
Co-sponsored by
World Psychiatric Association

Under the patronage of
European Psychiatric Association

Psychiatric Association of Bosnia-Herzegovina

University Clinical Center Tuzla, Department of Psychiatry

Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Miro Klarić

Bosnia and Herzegovina

I was born on 11.03.1957. in Donja Komušina, municipal Teslić, where I attended primary school. After, I have finished nursing school in 1976, in Doboj, and the Medical Faculty in Tuzla, in 1982. I have finished specialization in neuropsychiatry in 1991 at the VMA in Belgrade. The second stage of training in cognitive-behavioral therapy I have completed 1999/2002 in Rijeka. Postgraduate Research Study "Biomedicine" I began in 2001/02. at University of Medicine, University of Rijeka, where I received a degree of Master of Science in 2005 and Ph.D. degree in 2008. I become a subspecialist in social psychiatry and mental health in the community in 2011.

In the beginning, I worked as a general practitioner in Healty center Teslić, and Healty center Srebrenik, from 1982 - 1985. In the period 1985-1992. I worked in a Special hospital for cardiovascular and rheumatic disease in Banja Vrućica, Teslić. In early 1992. I joined as a volunteer to the HVO, and during 1992. I was a chief of HVO Medical Services in Komušina-Teslic. During the war, I worked in the war hospital of HVO in Zepce and Fojnica, and in February of 1994 I joined to Clinic Department of Clinical Hospital Mostar where I started to work at the former Department of Neuropsychiatry. With the separation of neurology and psychiatry services in 2003 I was elected as a head of the Department of psychiatry, which at 2009 gained the status of the Clinic. From April 2003 by November 2011 I performed a duty of the Head of Department / Head of the Clinic for Psychiatry, When I was elected as an assistant director KB Mostar and in this position where I work today.

Since 2000, I am engaged in undergraduate and graduate education for the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Mostar. Since 2009 I am a teaching assistant professor.

I participated in several national and international conferences and symposia, and published more than 40 papers in national and international journals and publications and two book chapters.

From 1992 the particular area of my clinical and research interest is psihotraumatology.