It is a great pleasure to invite you to take part in the Mind & Brain 60th International Neuropsychiatric Congress to be held May 27th-30st, 2021, in a virtual format. The main theme will be ‘Bridging between Neurology & Psychiatry’, with special emphasis on Stroke, Epilepsy, Headache & Pain, Multiple Sclerosis, Movement Disorders; Alzheimer’s and other Dementia, Personality Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Psychosis, and Depression. The congress offers up-to-date lectures and educational activities (workshops, symposia) of world's most prominent and distinguished lecturers and researchers.
It is expected to gather guests from Croatia and abroad and will be a unique opportunity for all those involved in neurology and psychiatry to share experience, knowledge and solutions to challenges in clinical practice, as well as share the latest scientific achievements and explore how such achievements can be applied. Valuable prizes will be awarded to the best scientific posters selected during the congress. All accepted and presented posters will be considered for the Best Poster Awards. Traditionally, best posters will be awarded and presented during special session.
The rich three thousand year old history of Pula begins with the Roman amphitheatre revealing itself in all its beauty. This is one of the best-preserved Roman amphitheatres in the world! Besides the Amphitheatre, while strolling through Pula you will come across numerous monuments of Roman architecture: the Triumphal Arch of the Sergii, Hercules’ Gate and Twin Gates, the Temple of Augustus, and Small Roman Theatre… (virtual tour).
You are all most welcome as friends to present your work and exchange knowledge with participating colleagues.
On behalf of the Kuratorium we wish you a warm welcome !